…the way it was, Friday April 26 ….
The United Republic of Tanzania High Commission in the United Kingdom celebrated 60 years of the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar at the International Maritime Organisation delegate’s lounge in London beautiful cultural ceremony. The evening was attended by diplomats, dignitaries and Tanzanian diaspora. Our founder, abdulhaQ and CEO Junior Sheikh were officially invited by H E Mbelwa Kairuki, the high commissioner of United Republic of Tanzania to the UK. The Chief guest was Secretary General and Secretary of the Revolutionary Council of Zanzibar, Engineer Zena Ahmed.
Also attending was H E Nimisha Madhvani High commissioner of Tanzania to the UK, the secretary-general of the Commonwealth Patricia Scotland amongst diplomats and counsellors from respective embassies and high commissions accredited to the UK.
The East African nation of Tanzania dates formally only from 1964, when it was formed out of the union of the much larger mainland territory of Tanganyika and the coastal archipelago of Zanzibar. The former was a colony and part of German East Africa from the 1880s to 1919, when, under the League of Nations, it became a British mandate until independence in 1961.
Zanzibar was settled as a trading hub, subsequently controlled by the Portuguese, the Sultanate of Oman, and then as a British protectorate by the end of the nineteenth centuryTanzania is home to some of the oldest human settlements unearthed by archaeologists, including stone tools and fossils of hominids found in and around Olduvai Gorge in northern Tanzania, an area often referred to cradle of mankind.
A number of MTM Award winners also graced the occasion which was Tanzania brought to London- Magic!